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Ready to take charge of your family's wellbeing?
Here are a few commonly asked questions regarding essential oils.



Essential oils are the “lifeblood” of a plant. They are the essence of each plants unique complex and  natural chemical compound,  providing them with nutrients and protecting them from disease. They allow plants to grow and adapt to their surroundings. This is what gives each plant its unique healing attributes and characteristics. They are often described as man's first medicine.

Essential oils can reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when applied topically. They help support the different systems of the body: digestive, nervous, muscular, and more. They work on emotions via the limbic system of your brain and they promote healthy emotional wellness to help relax and clear the mind. 

Essential oils have been used around the world, with several uses and references documented in one of the oldest known texts, the Bible, and backed by science.


It's not a question of if you can, it's more a matter of if you should. Because essential oils not regulated by the FDA companies can put all sorts of fillers and ick ( like synthetic extenders such as propylene glycol, a synthetic petrol chemical linked to cancer, developmental/reproductive issues, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and liver and kidney damage)  in order to increase their profitability margins - and unfortunately they do. That not only dilutes their purity, but also their potency. The purest and most potent oils demand the most pure, natural growing and harvesting conditions for the plant. 

It's something we experienced first hand when we received some oils as a gift and proceeded to ingest and apply topically without carefully looking at the label.  Words like "pure," "organic" or "natural" can be completely misleading because it may only apply to one ingredient and it will not exclude toxic fillers. 

So, what can be trusted? One company rose to the top of the list for us - with their Seed to Seal promise. Young Living boasts their own farms all over the world, and are in control of of everything from the seed of the plant, to the distillation of the oil. I've heard from workers in the fields who truly love and believe in the company they are working for and the lives they have changed. They promise never to use toxic chemicals on their farms, and their oils are 100% Certified Therapeutic Grade. They are considered the founders of the modern day essential oils movement, and many professional businesses use them in a variety of healing modalities - our acupuncturist, yoga studio and reiki master being a few of them. This doesn't mean that other brands aren't just as safe or good, it  just means this is the company we recommend based on our research and experience. Young Living also goes beyond oils, offering a range of oil infused and plant-based safe/clean products that support wellbeing in all areas of life.


Oils can be applied topically, they can be ingested, and they can also be diffused ( likely the most widely practiced). They are a better, safer and cheaper way to make your house smell great ( as opposed to candles), helping your babies or kids relax at night for bed, or getting rid of unwanted odors and bacteria in the house & more.

One thing we're seeing more of when it comes to diffusing is jewelry. You can put a few drops of your favorite scent in a porous stone, and voila, a beautiful aroma or emotional support to wear all day long. You can also make rollerball combos, creams, sprays, and just about anything!

However, not only is each oil and it's uses different, but each of us may react slightly differently based on our own chemical make up, any toxins that may be present and skin sensitivity. So, proceeding with care is the best route.

Nature is potent, and a little dab will do ya. So, doing a patch test whenever using oils for the first time is recommended. Many also need to be diluted with a carrier oil - like coconut or jojoba.

To that end, it is important to carefully read the labels of each oil and understand how best to use it to support your own goals. This may sound overwhelming, but we promise you can get started quickly and we're here to help!

For more in-depth understanding of specific oils, check out our resources


With so many ways to use essential oils ( and so many oils!), it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones will be best for you and your family. That's why we've done the work for you. 

We recommend getting a starter kit with the 11 most used and most versatile oils that every family - no matter your lifestyle and needs - will find value in. It comes with a diffuser of choice and also a few extra wellness goodies. Then, once it arrives, you'll have access to our exclusive communities with videos and resources to teach you how to get the most our of your oils - and honestly change the health and wellbeing of your entire family.

This also sets you up to receive wholesale pricing (24% less than retail) and take advantage of our free monthly wellness box program - essential rewards ( see more on that below). It does not mean you need to sell or distribute anything. And, it's a good first step in transforming the your wellbeing.

Ready to get going? 


Essential Rewards is the best way to build your wellness cabinet. This is a monthly customizable wellness box that auto-ships each month. You need to spend 50 PV (Point Value), which is approximately $50 a month - and you can start or stop any time.

You get points back every time you shop to use on other products AND you get bonus promotions, like free oils and supplements,  at different spending thresholds.  Oh, and the shipping is discounted as well.

Getting rewarded with free products for switching to safer plant -based and essential oil infused alternatives to your normal monthly expenditures at Target is a pretty sweet deal. 

You will have the option to sign up for Essential Rewards when you get your kit .


You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, but  you’ll also get access to our exclusive facebook community full of amazing resources like how to use each oil in your kit, which oils to avoid around kids or while pregnant/nursing, and all of the dilution ratios for individual oils.

We have classes, books, live facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have. We also send everyone that enrolls with us the mini book "Fearless: Confidence with Essential Oils in 2 Hours." 

For answers to additional or more in depth questions, please contact me. 

As a note any suggestions made regarding oils are very specific to Young Living Essential Oils and should not be used with oils from another source.

Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP.

Essential Oils 101: FAQ
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